dianomi™ is dedicated to helping people discover valuable financial content, be it a guide or report, an article or a video, that educates them into making better informed financial decisions. HSBC and Aberdeen Asset Management have recently run content campaigns through dianomi.
Through dianomi™s Financial Commentary Widget we recommend your content across premium financial publisher sites, exposing it to highly engaged saving and investing audiences and driving in-market investors through to your website, all on a cost per click basis.
Through our contextual Smartlink™ ad units we serve over 800 million content ads globally per month reaching 12 million unique consumers.
Links to your content appear as recommendations on over 200 of the web’s largest financial publishers including sites such as Bloomberg, Reuters, London Stock Exchange, Morningstar, the FT, Guardian, Yahoo Finance, Aol and more.
Publishers: to find out how dianomi™ can help you add a new revenue stream to your site, please contact us.
Read more about context, click bait and ROI.