Dianomi’s EVP, Rachel Tuffney, spoke with American Express’ Courtney Colwell for Brand Innovators‘ Women in Marketing Livecast Series On April 6th, 2021 Rachel Tuffney spoke with American Express’ Courtney Colwell in a fireside chat for a segment of Brand Innovators’ Women in Marketing Livecast series. The conversation focused on how Colwell users her role as a woman in leadership to support the women on her team and how American Express is helping female small business owners respond to the challenges of the pandemic. Click the image above to watch the full livecast and discover more content on the Brand Innovators website.
Dianomi PLC expands its relationship with Dow Jones, now including display formats from The Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones properties in their publisher network.
Dianomi’s Julian Peterson to present “The Marketer’s Guide to Behavioural Economics” at Web Directions Summit
A Thought Leader in Financial Services marketing, Dianomi welcomes back Ken Johnston as Head of Global Sales
Dianomi’s Julian Peterson to present “Does more for less in finance marketing exist?” at the Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit