Why content in context matters

  • News & views

Recent news headlines illustrate how damaging it could be for a brand’s digital ads to appear alongside irrelevant, or potentially damaging, content. Major organisations in the UK – including the government, major banks and media groups – have pulled their advertising from Google and YouTube in response to concerns about where and how their content has been appearing on their platforms.
Advertising in the digital age can be complex. This recent row highlights the need for transparency as brands look to protect their brand safety online. The quality of the environment in which their content appears is as important as the quality of the creative.
Rupert Hodson, Dianomi CEO comments: “Marketing in context is absolutely paramount. The idea of marketing in context in online advertising is being lost as programmatic networks seek to deliver ‘audiences’ for brands, irrespective of environment.”
As well as protecting brand safety, having content in context ensures target audiences are receptive to the content they’re consuming. Delivering campaigns targeted to specific audiences, while they are actively engaging in that type of content has been a proven recipe for success in marketing.
The following principles underpin dianomi’s commitment to ensure that every piece of content is displayed in the right place at the right time:

  • Our network is controlled and only has 250 premium sites.
  • We believe delivering digital content in context is essential. Consequently, we ensure that our advertisers financially focused content will only appear on financial and business pages.
  • We guarantee 100% transparency on where our client adverts are displayed.
  • We enable advertisers to optimise by publisher and see exactly what generates results.